+4 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

We've made severals observations and proposals on the layout on the table with Barbatronic and grouped them in the following document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zeZj58cJ8As5QQC-a8mhKNVE_R9E1DVWzb1nFWNiZvo/edit?usp=sharing

This involve a number of modicfications that frees up the table, remove conflictual situations, helps readabilty and benefit to all categories of teams/contests.

(limitations of the FAQ editor prevented us from writing directly the document here)

by (0 points)
edited by
Proposal 4: Seems logical when reducing the number of elements, but not if it's kept as is. I would prefer to exchange the small bottom building site with the opponent (the middle one) starting position.
by (0 points)
edited by
Proposal 5: I don't really know, I don't have an opinion about it.
by (0 points)
Proposal 6: even less elements...
by (0 points)
Proposal 7: Love it, the reshape of the pit will prevent too many PAMIs pogo while keeping the previously used ArUcO positions
by (0 points)
All proposals are great, except for 2 and 3, as they would significantly impact the strategy and design of robots. It seems that the 'four-can' concept is intended to change the previous year's robot design and strategies.

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Pris en compte pour la version finale de la table
by (0 points)
Bonjour à tous,

Changer le nombre de boites de conserve et le nombre de planches risque de compliquer la tâches de beaucoup d'équipes junior.

La première rencontre régionale a lieu le 1er février.

Ca laisse au max une dizaine de séances à venir. S'il faut  changer d'idées pour les stratégies et les actionneurs ça va vraiment devenir compliqué dans le temps imparti.

Mais évidemment ce n'est que mon avis.

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