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in Eurobot Junior rules by (0 points)
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Our question is, can the banner be separated into parts (which will be deployed one after the other) and placed without any spacing between them? Would this be valid?
by (0 points)
Not a referee here but in the rules it says and I quote

" If the banner is made up of several elements, then for it to be valid, the elements must completely fill the surface provided for the banner."

From this, I understand that the banner can be broken up however there can be no gap between the pieces otherwise it is not valid as shown in Figure 6

However, that is just my understanding and might be all wrong

by (0 points)
Thanks, didn't notice that part responded to our question :( there should be more examples on these drawings because it sometimes gets unclear...

Anyway, thank you for helping me out GK.


1 Answer

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by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good morning,

If the are not space between part at the end of the match, it's valid.

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