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in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

The rules only state that the can weighs around 55g, but we are unsure whether this weight is for the can after the top lid has been removed or if it is for the can with the lid still on. We have this question because the specifications sold by our local supplier are: 45g without the lid and 55g with the lid. Since both scenarios are possible, we are asking for clarification.
Best regards,
by (0 points)

section D.4 of the rules: 

The columns are standard size 1/2 high food cans (i.e. 73 mm in diameter by 109 mm high). They are open on the top side, closed on the underside

"open" imply no lid, so 45g.

by (0 points)


55g is given in section G.2 of the rules 

In steel and magnetized, around 55g, from recycling, various model

but preceded by the word "around" which is a clue that this is a approximate weight. Likely with a high rather than a low margin. So that people don't complain that, one the day of the competition, the cans weight 50g instead of 45g (for example).

Now don't forget that 45g is the opened can alone, you must add the vinyl weight, which is... ~10g ! so the official can IS at ~55g.

1 Answer

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by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Please see the answer of Alf.
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