+3 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)
Hi all,

While trying to order the final playmat we realized that the information on ordering the play elements is from last year, so we do not have the proper size information to enter into Pixartprinting.com. We could extrapolate from the PDF sizes, which might result in some mistakes specifically when talking about the game elements. Could we have the correct sizes to enter into Pixartprinting or an update to the whole ordering document?

Thanks in advance

by (0 points)

I've opened it with PDF-XChange-Viewer and there is a ruler inside. So I've got a size of 250cm x 92cm for the elements.

by (0 points)
Thank you Michael for your answer. It is not clear to me! Can some one tell me if I need to print both playmat and game elements files ?

Just the playmat will be enough? Will I have to cut the playmat to decorate the ramp and the scene because of their elevated positions ?



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