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in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

Could you please clarify whether SIMAs are allowed to fly in order to get onto the ramp? We didn't see any rules forbidding SIMAs from flying.

Thank you.

Best regards,
by (0 points)

Non-official response


"Un PAMI peut se déployer et évoluer dans la limite d’une altitude de 350 mm."
"A SIMA can be deployed and move within the limit at a height of 350 mm."

I don't think it is forbidden in principle. However, building a flying robot that matches all the requirements seems hard!


"They must comply with safety regulations and under no circumstances endanger participants, organisers or the public, either during matches or behind the scenes or in the stands. They must not have any protruding or sharp parts that could be dangerous or cause damage"

Don't forget that there must be a lipo bag, an Emergency Stop Button easily and safely accessible, the blades must not cause any hasard, etc

1 Answer

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by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good afternoon,

Like for any other rules or law, if it's not forbidden, it's allowed.
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