–1 vote
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)

How shall we interpret “ALL”?

"All" the SIMAs of the team or "All" the maximum possible SIMAs?

And shall they be in their destination areas (stage or pit) to validate the P7 points?

For instance:

If we only have 2 SIMAs, such as the superstar and one fan, both with a moving actuator, do we get the P7 points ?

Or shall we occupy the 3 fan zones and the scene by SIMAs with moving actuators, and thus have at least 4 SIMAs to hope receiving the P7 points?

by (0 points)

Non-official response:

"All" the SIMAs of the team or "All" the maximum possible SIMAs?

"All" the SIMAs of the team

If we only have 2 SIMAs, such as the superstar and one fan, both with a moving actuator, do we get the P7 points ?


Or shall we occupy the 3 fan zones and the scene by SIMAs with moving actuators, and thus have at least 4 SIMAs to hope receiving the P7 points?


1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
See Victor reply
by (0 points)

Thanks for this first answer but one question is still pending:
And shall they be in their destination areas (stage or pit) to validate the P7 points?

by [Referee] (100k points)

They can do the action where they want on the table, they are no need to be in their destinations areas.
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