+1 vote
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)


I have reviewed the previous FAQ and noticed that the question regarding the weight of the wooden plank has been asked, but I did not find a response.

Additionally, could you confirm whether the plank will be covered with any stickers, and is the surface texture smooth?

Best regards,

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer

The plank are made in natural plywood with no paint, no sticker, no vinyl on it.
by (0 points)
Hi and what about the weight please
by (0 points)
This is not an official answer - but if it can help you, mine (made from poplar plywood) weight 325g. Which is pretty heavy compared to standard Eurobot gaming elements.
by (0 points)
Our planks weigh 420g each. So be prepared for a lot of variation and plan rather heavy
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