+2 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)


Given that the term "border" is used in D2 to refer to the wall of the playing area, we would like to clarify the following:

  1. In D6, does the term "border" refer to the center line that separates the blue and yellow team stages?

  2. Regarding the term "edge" in D.6.b, could you specify the exact area it refers to? Do the banners need to be hung on the playing area wall, with the fixing mechanism allowed inside the wall as long as it does not exceed 50mm? Or is it permissible for the banners to be set inside the wall, provided they don't extend beyond 50mm?

Additionally, what happens if the other team accidentally causes the banner to fall?

Thank you for your clarification.

Best regards,

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good afternoon,

In D6 "ENSURE THE PROMOTION OF THE SHOW" the aim of the action is to deploy a banner in the front of the table.

For that you have to create the banner and put it on the front border of the table.

For the fixing mechanism, you can do everything you want as long as it's respect the rules describe in the section.

Is not allow to exced in the opposite half table with your banner, you will have a penalty if you cause a fall of the opposite banner.
by (0 points)
On the border ?

Or in front of the border ?

Or just behind the border ?
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