+3 votes
in Eurobot rules by (0 points)


After reviewing the rules and previous clarifications, we still have a few questions regarding the superstars:

  1. Can the robot or groupies assist the superstar in getting onto the ramp/stage? Is this allowed?

  2. Based on rule D.7.b, we understand that part of the superstar can be suspended in the air, and the groupies can be positioned underneath as long as there is no contact between them. Is this interpretation correct?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

by (0 points)
(in addition) reminder this rule still applies:

F.8. "PAMI doit être capable de bouger par lui-même."

~ The SIMA must be able to move by itself

1 Answer

0 votes
by [Referee] (100k points)
Best answer
Good afternoon

1. yes, the robot and the other SIMA can help the superstar to climb the stage.

2, Yes, you understand well.
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