The Eurobot and Eurobot Junior contests are two robotics competitions, opened to many teams* from many countries.
But understanding which contest to participate and how it works can be difficult 😯

1 . You want to participate ?🤗

Follow the steps !

Once you’ve been qualified to the final contest, you have to register to participate.
You can ask your NOC* for help about this. 🤗
Remember, if you don’t have a NOC because/or you have less than 3 teams, you just have to register.

2. How to register? 🤔

To participate in Eurobot or Eurobot Junior finals, you must register on our website Poolzor*.

There, you can follow the steps of your registration.

Each step in Poolzor is compulsory and the deadlines must be respected, otherwise your team will not have validated its participation in the final.
We advise you not to wait last minute to validate each step.
If you do it right, you will have more time on your robot(s) and it will be less stressfull.

Online registrations: How to use Poolzor? 

You have to create an account if your structure doesn’t have one.
We ask you to respect 1 account = 1 structure*, if you need to register more than one team, only one account is necessary. The account can be used one year on another, if you already have an account, we ask you to reuse it.

When you create an account, it will be asked:

  • a valid mail address where the organizing team can contact you
  • a password
  • the name of your structure

When you register, you agree to subscribe to our Newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime you want but you will miss important information about the contest(s).
Please, do not create any “test” team, it is not possible to delete once created and it will false our statistics.

Once you’ve created your account, for each team you want to register select “Eurobot senior (Coupe de Robotique)” or “Eurobot Junior (Coupe Junior)” for the right contest.
Achtung! Poolzor does not send notifications!

Connect frequently to your account to see the evolution of your registration.

*Vocabulary :

NOC : National Organizing Comitee, a NOC organizes the qualification phases in its country. You can check if your country has a NOC or contact your NOC by going on the contacts page on our website.
A team : a group of 2 persons minimum. If you’re under 18 yo, you have to be supervised by an adult.
Poolzor : Poolzor Online is a website developped by the volunteers of Eurobot. It’s the registration website for the contests linked to Eurobot.
A structure : This could be a school, an association, a business entreprise… A structure can manage several teams. Remember, 1 account = 1 structure.